Wednesday 11 February 2015

A11Y Tools

Earlier today, I got to thinking about devices for those with A11Y requirements.

Speech2Text4Keyboard Input
  • Voice input;
  • Listen to voice;
  • Convert to text;
  • Send text to system as if a keyboard;
ASL2Text4Keyboard Input
  • Video input;
  • Watches video for ASL;
  • Convert to text;
  • Send text to system as if a keyboard;
Text2ASL4Video Display
  • Screen reader reads console input;
  • That input is broken into words;
  • "Known" words are displayed as a person talking, using ASL;
  • "Unknown" words are displayed as a person spelling words out in ASL;
  • "Query Mode" can be enabled, to add more "known" words;
Eyes2Keyboard Input
  • Video Camera watches;
  • Eye Movements are converted to Dasher images;
  • Dasher sends text to system, as if a keyboard;
Touchscreen Reader/Presser
  • Video Camera watches;
  • OCR software watches video input;
  • OCR software outputs text;
  • Screen reader reads text;
  • Voice input;
  • Listen to voice;
  • Convert to instructions;
  • Camera guides the prong in moving to the selected item;
  • Prong on device extends out to press the selected item;
Additions to the Hardware
  • 10 Key Keypad;
  • Joystick;
  • Firing button;
  • Trackball;
  • Camera;
These would be used if the vocabulary could not differentiate between a keyboard value, and something to be written.

Or maybe just to be used as supplemental aids;
  • Bluetooth;
Make it a Bluetooth enabled keyboard.

Existing Software
  • Sphinx3: voice recognition;
  • Dasher: predictive text input;
  • Eyegazer: eye-tracking;
  • Orca: screen reading;
Needed Software
  • ASL2Text: This examines photographs for ASL signs, and outputs the corresponding word;
  • Text2ASL: This displays a picture of a person making the appropriate ASL gesture;
  • Prong Guidance Software: This is the hard one. I suspect that there is code from a robotics project that can be converted/modified/re-used, that will do this. Worst case scenario is to write the dumb pigeon scenario;

This is the type of one-off job, that Arduino's were designed for.

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