Thursday 2 September 2010

Thunderbird bugs

Way back in 2006 I filed a bug report for Thunderbird using the mozilla bugzilla.

Today it was closed due to insufficient information.
What they wanted was a copy of the logs that Thunderbird generates.

Between the fact that I turn Thunderbird logging off, and that my workaround consists of either doing everything sequentially, or using different email clients to retrieve email, I did not have the logs they requested.

I was under the impression that the bug report was closed years ago, as "will not fix". One of the developers told me that the described scenario is outside of the design specifications for Thunderbird. As such, Thunderbird is not a suitable email client for me, and the patch I requested is not suitable for including in Thunderbird.

I am at a complete loss as to how having log files --- any log files --- would help them code the requested patch. Especially since the parameters are provided in the original bug report.

And people wonder why I don't recommend Thunderbird, on the basis that it does not retrieve email.

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