Monday 28 October 2013

Mobile Device Patents

Since the SCOTUS ruled on Bilski v Kappos back on 28 June 2010, it seems that that the mobile device market is under attack by patent trolls.

The microserf that uses the moniker Paul Allen has had his pet patent troll file a lawsuit about his non-patents. (How much did Paul Allen bribe the USPTO to award those patents? There is no way that they could have been otherwise awarded, because they are so obvious.)
Those patents:
  • No. 6,263,507, "Browser for Use in Navigating a Body of Information, With Particular Application to Browsing Information Represented By Audiovisual Data."
  • No. 6,034,652, "Attention Manager for Occupying the Peripheral Attention of a Person in the Vicinity of a Display Device."
  • No. 6,788,314, "Attention Manager for Occupying the Peripheral Attention of a Person in the Vicinity of a Display Device."
  • No. 6,757,682, "Alerting Users to Items of Current Interest."