Thursday 11 August 2011

Traffic Sources: Search terms.

On one of my other blogs, I was looking at the search terms that generated the most hits.

In position # 6 is "topp twins untouchble girls bit torrent".

Untouchable Girls is a documentary about the Topp Twins.  None of the posts on my other blog mention either those folk singers, or the documentary.  Dionysus the Twin is the closest that blog gets to mentioning twins.  In one post, I do discuss torrents as a means of sharing files amongst users. 

Sunday 5 June 2011


Back in October, a couple of developers, and community leaders in formed a new organization, and created LibreOffice.

They had a plan, but not a very well developed one. They had some ideas, but nothing laid out in concrete. The whole effort felt as if it had been drawn up on a Friday, implemented on a Saturday, and announced on Monday.

Two months later, and people are still wondering what it will offer. Or what it won't offer.

One of the issues raging on the LibreOffice mailing lists is whether or not LibO should be able to save, or export to OOXML, or, more precisely, the variant called DocX by Microsoft, and is allegedly the native file format of Microsoft Office.

The philosophically pure approach would be to neither read, nor write any file format implemented by Microsoft.

Sunday 15 May 2011

More statistical wierdness

I started a new blog in February.  I have not given the URL to anybody.  The only publicity I've done, is to casually mention that I would be blogging about that subject matter. 

Today I casually look at the stats for that site, and low and behold:
  • The most hits are from Iran;
  • The biggest traffic generator is a site in Singapore;
Whilst it is nice to know where the traffic comes from, the statistical data provides nothing that explains the source of the traffic.

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Say what?

I was looking at the stats for this blog.

The most common keyword search for this site is:
shop to earn compensation plan.

That implies that my posts about Mary Kay, and Shop To Earn are what gets people here.

However, my post about Thunderbird is the one that has the most views.

This is not from "All Time", where older posts might reasonably be expected to have more views than newer posts.  This is from last month's stats. OTOH, I haven't been posting much to this blog recently.

Friday 15 April 2011

A Media Centre

I setup a Linux Box to use as a media centre.
Then bought a big screen TV for it.

Problem: The TV does not have a VGA port for the computer.

Solution # 1: Buy an Android tablet with an HDMI out. Use VLC to stream content from the Linux Box media centre. Watch content on the big screen TV.

Solution # 2: Buy an Android tablet and NSA. Connect the two together. Watch content on the big screen TV.

The real irony is that Android Gingerbread is a better server than Microsoft's Home Media Server 2011 is. (Fewer bugs, and more out of the box functionality.)

Coming soon to a tablet near you: AAMP.

AAMP := Android + Apache + MySQL + Python/PERL/PHP.