Sunday, 24 December 2006

Can you say Pyramid Scheme

It seems that Sean Kelly has issued a challenge to Mary Kay consultants.

The challenge: Purchase 13% more inventory during December 2006, than was purchased during December 2005.

The reason: Prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Mary Kay Corporate encourages front loading of inventory by their consultants.

Wednesday, 29 November 2006

Misleading subject lines

In today's Google alert I noticed an interesting headline " THE LUBAVITCHER REBBE ON GRAPHOLOGY"

So I wandered over to seen what the Rebbe had written about Graphology.

The only thing about the Rebbe on that page was the headline. It was a schedule of fees for graphological services that that blogger offers.

Anything else I write will be לשון הרע.

Wednesday, 22 November 2006

Mary Kay Date Codes

Not really worth blogging about, but when your Mary Kay consultant sells you a product with a date code of 4D14 you'd like more than her assurance it was manufactured in 2004.

The date code is four alphanumeric characters long.

  • The first alphanumeric character indicates the year;
  • The second alphanumeric character indicates the month;
  • The final two numbers indicate the day of the month;

Character: Year

0: 1990

1: 1991


















Character : Month

A: January

B: February

C: march

D: April

F: May

H: June

K: July

M: August

R: September

T: October

V: November

X: December

The final two characters are numbers, and are the day of the month.

This code represents when the product was manufactured. It is not an expiration date. Stored under ideal conditions, Mary Kay products have a shelf life of up to ten years.

And yes, that product with the 4 D14 date code was manufactured 14 April 1994, and should be tossed out. And yes, that product was sold in October 2006.

About this blog.

This is my general purpose blog.

For counter-intuitive reasons, I expect to post more often to my topic specific blogs.

I have deleted some of my older blogs. As I remember names, and logins, I will delete all of my non-topic specific blogs.